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Just OR7 as advertised. During which John W avoids bankruptcy by a comfy $43.

Operating Round 7

Dir Lay [Rep] Base Run Pay Quote Credit Loan Trains Notes

CPR TS 14:N3:2 [57] 100 Y 125D 200 500 3 B D G
WR JS 210 Y 110E 25 500 3 3 E
CV JS 9:M12:2 90A 150 0 +4 H
GT MB 57:P9:2 90A 499 0 +3 I
LPS MB 8:D13:5 110 Y 100E 210 500 3 A C
GW JW 24:E16:3 [8] 150 Y 100D 0 300 4 FJ K L M
BBG TS 5:J15:2 75C 140 100 +4 G H
CA JW 110 Y 65E 18 200 4 J

Notes A $5 from the FT Private H $350 to the Bank for a 4 Train

B $10 from the WSR Private I $1 to the LPS for a 3 Train

C $10 from the TCC Private J Dividend down $20 to pay loan interest

D $15 from the GLSC Private K Forced loan redemption

E $20 from the NFSBC Private L $87 from John W to redeem loans

F $20 from the SCFTC Private - John W sells C&A/1 for $65

G Government Loan secured M Government Loan redeemed

Tiles 1/1 2/1 3/3 4/2 5/1 6/2 7/6 8/11 9/11 14/2 15/0 16/1
17/1 18/1 19/1 20/1 23/3 24/3 25/1 26/1 27/1 28/1 29/1 55/1
56/1 57/2 58/2 59/1 69/1 120/0 121/0

Trains 5/3($550) then 6/2($700) D/9($1,100)

Cash Flow Start OR7 End Value % Certs Max 16

Tony Sait 57 60 117 1,242 30.4 9 - 9
Mike Bennett 41 55 96 1,046 25.6 8 - 8
John Webley 26 35 61 491 12.0 3 - 3
John Shelley 65 126 191 1,301 31.9 9 - 9


Tony Sait -
5P - 6P - - - - - - - -
Mike Bennett * -
- - - - 5P - 5P - - - -
John Webley -
- 2P - - - 3P - - - - -
John Shelley -
- - - 5P - - - - - 6P -

Bank New -
5 6 4 5 5 6 1 10P 10P 4 10P

80 90 75 100 100 80 80

Bank Pool -
- 2 - - - 1 4 - - - -

75C 65E 125D 90A 90A 100D 100E 110E


$140 $18 $200 $150 $499 $0 $210 $25


100 200 500 0 0 300 500 500
Tokens Left

2 2 2 2 3 1 - 1 1 2 1

Privates Owned by ShareCos : CPR - WSR, GLSC | GW - SCFTC | LPS - FT, TCC | WR - NFSBC.
Rights Held by ShareCos : GW - Tunnel | WR - Bridge.

The OR8 operating order is - CPR, WR, LPS, GW, CV, GT, BBG, CA.

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