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A 6 train is operational ...

Operating Round 11

Dir Lay [Rep] Base Run Pay Quote Credit Trains Notes

ByE MB 218:L14:1 150 Y 286A 220 3+3
PrE JW 216:H20:2 [207] 290 Y 236C 811 (3 3) +5 A
SxE GL 63:H16:1 [12] 370 Y 188B 51 4 3+3 E
HeE JS 216:H2:4 [207] 230 Y 120B 0 4 3+3 E
BaE GL 216:I3:3 [208] 320 Y 92C 0 4+4 4 E
WtE MB 120 Y 88D 352 5
MsE BM 150 Y 86E 19 (3) +5+5 B
OlE JS 63:G5:1 [205] C11 72E 60 +6 C D

Operating Round 12

Dir Lay [Rep] Base Run Pay Quote Credit Trains Notes

ByE MB 150 Y 316A 220 3+3
PrE JW 24:I5:4 [9] 230 Y 262C 811 5
SxE GL 219:L6:2 [214] 370 Y 210B 51 4 3+3 E
HeE JS 219:J6:6 [213] 360 Y 134B 0 4 3+3 E
BaE GL 410 Y 100C 0 4+4 4 E
WtE MB 9:K15:2 120 Y 94D 294 5 F
MsE BM 270 Y 90E 19 5+5
OlE JS 47:F16:3 [24] 220 Y 80E 60 6

Notes A 500M to the Bank for a 5 Train D 600M to the Bank for a 6 Train

B 600M to the Bank for a 5+5 Train E At Train Limit

C 60M to the Bank for a garrison F 70M to Bank for a mountain

Tiles 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/0 5/3 6/3 7/5 8/6 9/0 12/1 13/2 14/2
15/0 16/2 18/1 19/2 20/2 23/1 24/2 25/3 26/1 27/1 28/2 29/2
39/1 40/1 41/2 42/2 43/1 44/2 45/2 46/2 47/1 55/1 56/1 57/1
58/3 63/0 69/1 70/1 87/1 88/2 201/2 202/2 203/1 204/1 205/1 206/1
207/2 208/1 209/1 210/1 211/0 212/1 213/1 214/1 215/1 216/0 217/2 218/1
219/0 220/0 221/1

Trains 6/1(600M) then 6+6/4(720M)

Cash Flow Start OR11 OR12 End Value % Certs Max

Mike Bennett 90 198 239 527 3,244 17.6 13 13
John Webley 563 285 240 1,088 3,895 21.1 12 12
Brad Martin 437 287 389 1,113 3,505 19.0 12 13
John Shelley 975 230 514 1,719 3,619 19.6 13 13
Graham Lee 260 589 661 1,510 4,200 22.8 14 14

Portfolios PrE ByE SxE BaE WtE HeE MsE OlE

Mike Bennett
5/1 50/4D - - 90/7D - - 20/1
John Webley
75/9D 20/2 10/1 - - - - -
Brad Martin *
20/2 30/3 - 20/2 - - 80/5D -
John Shelley
- - - - - 100/8D - 70/5D
Graham Lee
- - 90/8D 80/6D - - - -

Bank New
- - - - - - 20/2 10/1
Bank Pool
- - - - 10/1 - - -
262C 316A 210B 100C 94D 134B 90E 80E

811M 220M 51M 0M 294M 0M 19M 60M
Tokens Left
2 2 1 - 1 - - -

The OR13 operating order is - ByE, PrE, SxE, HeE, BaE, WtE, MsE, OlE.

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