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The PrE could not accommodate the 3 train owned by the merging A-K at the start of the round, and then had to give up a 2+2 train when the first 5 train was bought. The BaE base is at the westernmost station of L6.

Operating Round 9

Dir Lay [Rep] Base Run Pay Quote Credit Trains Notes

B-S [BM] 0 [+2+2] A B
ByE MB 7:O11:2 190 Y 210B 220 3+3 (2+2)
PrE JW 460 Y 172D 1,026 3+3 3 3 (2+2) L
SxE GL 58:G15:2 260 Y 136C 336 4 (3)
HeE JS 208:I3:3 [202] L6 200 Y 92C 50 4 3+3 C L
BaE GL 82C 40 +4 +4+4 D E L
WtE MB 57:M9:1 82C 340 +5 F G H I
MsE BM C11 72E 459 +3 J K

Notes A Bra, A-K convert To Prussian G 5 Train purchase starts Phase 3

B 225M to the SxE for a 2+2 Train H B-S, Han forced To convert To Prussian

C Free Base at Pfalzbahnen home I 5 Train purchase closes the Privates

D 360M to the Bank for a 4 Train J 20M to the Bank for a garrison

E 440M to the Bank for a 4+4 Train K 1M to the SxE for a 3 Train

F 500M to the Bank for a 5 Train L At Train Limit

Tiles 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/0 5/3 6/3 7/5 8/6 9/0 12/0 13/2 14/2
15/0 16/2 18/1 19/2 20/2 23/1 24/3 25/3 26/1 27/1 28/2 29/2
39/1 40/1 41/2 42/2 43/1 44/2 45/2 46/2 47/2 55/1 56/1 57/1
58/3 63/3 69/2 70/1 87/1 88/2 201/2 202/2 203/1 204/1 205/0 206/0
207/0 208/0 209/0 210/1 211/0 212/1 213/0 214/0 215/1 216/4 217/2 218/2
219/2 220/1 221/1

Trains 3/1(180M) 5/1(500M) then 5+5/1(600M) 6/2(600M) 6+6/4(720M)

Cash Flow Start OR9 End Value % Certs Max

Mike Bennett 78 95 173 1,961 20.0 11 13
John Webley 229 294 523 2,103 21.4 11 12
Brad Martin 56 154 210 1,866 19.0 11 12
John Shelley 139 340 479 1,965 20.0 12 13
Graham Lee 62 208 270 1,932 19.7 12 13

Portfolios PrE ByE SxE BaE WtE HeE MsE OlE

Mike Bennett
- 50/4D - - 90/7D - - -
John Webley
50/6D 20/2 10/1 10/1 10/1 - - -
Brad Martin
25/3 30/3 - 20/2 - - 60/3D -
John Shelley *
25/3 - 10/1 - - 100/8D - -
Graham Lee
- - 80/7D 70/5D - - - -

Bank New
- - - - - - 40/4 100/7D
Bank Pool
- - - - - - - -
172D 210B 136C 82C 82C 92C 72E

1,026M 220M 336M 40M 340M 50M 459M
3+3 3 3 3+3 4 4+4 4 5 4 3+3 3
Tokens Left
2 2 1 1 1 - - 1

The OR10 operating order is - ByE, PrE, SxE, HeE, BaE, WtE, MsE.

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