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We stop after OR8 because a 4 train was bought during OR8. If you are silent on the matter, then your companies will not merge into the Pre at the start of SR7. There will be, of course, have another chance to join the potentially mighty Prussian at the start of OR9.

The PrE is formed with 354M credit, a 3+3 train and a 3 train. John W is its pending president.

Operating Round 8

Dir Lay [Rep] Base Run Pay Quote Credit Trains Notes

B-M GL 9:K7:2 90 H 0 2+2 [+2+2] A B J K
B-P [JW] 27:C19:6 [9] 190 H 0 (3 2)
Mag [JS] 3:G11:1 70 H 0 (2) [+3+3] C
K-M BM 8:E7:1 140 H 155 3 (2) K
B-S BM 15:F10:6 [57] 160 H 225 (2 2)
A-K JW 80 H 55 3 (2) K
ByE MB 9:N18:2 220 Y 188B 220 2+2 (2 2) +3+3 D E F
SxE GL 9:G17:2 290 Y 122C 110 3 2+2 (2) +4 G H I K
HeE JS 202:I3:3 130 Y 86C 50 3+3 +4 A G

Notes A 50M to Bank for a river G 360M to the Bank for a 4 Train

B 106M to the SxE for a 2+2 Train H The Prussian Is formed

C 210M to the HeE for a 3+3 Train I Mag convert To Prussian

D free tile [9:M17:3] on an Ost Base J Forced To Return a 2+2 Train To the Bank

E Tile lay closes the Ostbayerische K At Train Limit

F 270M to the Bank for a 3+3 Train

Tiles 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/0 5/3 6/3 7/6 8/6 9/0 12/0 13/2 14/2
15/0 16/2 18/1 19/2 20/2 23/1 24/3 25/3 26/1 27/1 28/2 29/2
55/1 56/1 57/2 58/4 69/2 87/1 88/2 201/2 202/1 203/1 204/1 205/0
206/0 207/0 208/1 209/0 210/1 211/0 212/1 213/0 214/0 215/1

Trains 2+2/1(120M) 4/1(360M) then 4+4/1(440M) 5/2(500M) 5+5/1(600M) 6/2(600M) 6+6/4(720M)

Cash Flow Start OR8 End Value % Certs Max

Mike Bennett 353 171 524 1,774 21.0 6 12
John Webley 368 240 608 1,558 18.5 7 12
Brad Martin 637 221 858 1,762 20.9 6 12
John Shelley 195 210 405 1,652 19.6 11 13
Graham Lee 508 248 756 1,690 20.0 7 12

Portfolios Privates/Minors PrE ByE SxE BaE WtE HeE MsE OlE

Mike Bennett -
- 60/5D 10/1 - - - - -
John Webley Bra, A-K
20/2D 10/1 20/2 - - - - -
Brad Martin N-F, K-M, B-S
- 30/3 - - - - - -
John Shelley Pfa, Han
5/1 - - - - 100/8D - -
Graham Lee * B-M
- - 70/6D - - - - -

Bank New -
30/3 - - 100/8D 100/8D - 100/7D 100/7D
Bank Pool -
- - - - - - - -

154D 188B 122C 86C


354M 220M 110M 50M

3+3 3 3+3 2+2 4 3 2+2 4 3+3
Tokens Left

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

The OR9 operating order is - B-M, K-M, B-S, A-K, ByE, PrE, SxE, HeE - unless changed by SR7.

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