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Graham wins another 1835 as John S hangs on to third place. Comments received will be printed next time.

Operating Round 15

Dir Lay [Rep] Base Run Pay Quote Credit Trains Notes

PrE TP 8:D14:3 660 Y 418A 100 6 4 3+3 A C
ByE JS 87:K11:5 [58] 230 Y 288B 5 5
SxE GL 410 Y 260B 178 4 3+3 C
HeE TP 180 Y 154D 0 4
WtE TS 8:N14:2 300 Y 152C 219 (6) 3+3
BaE JS 230 Y 134B 250 5
MsE GL 290 Y 122C 120 5+5
OlE TS 206:D8:1 [5] 230 Y 94D 140 4+4 +6 B C

Notes A 50M to Bank for a river C At Train Limit

B 100M to the WtE for a 6 Train

Tiles 1/0 2/1 3/1 4/2 5/3 6/3 7/7 8/4 9/5 12/1 13/2 14/1
15/0 16/1 18/1 19/2 20/2 23/0 24/1 25/2 26/1 27/2 28/2 29/2
39/1 40/1 41/2 42/1 43/1 44/2 45/1 46/0 47/2 55/1 56/0 57/2
58/2 63/0 69/1 70/1 87/0 88/2 201/2 202/2 203/1 204/1 205/1 206/0
207/2 208/1 209/1 210/1 211/1 212/1 213/1 214/1 215/1 216/0 217/1 218/0
219/1 220/0 221/0

Trains 6+6/4(720M)

Final Cash Flow Start OR15 End Value % Certs Max

Graham Lee 3,681 712 4,393 8,379 30.3 17 17
Tim Parkes 1,823 712 2,535 7,295 26.4 16 16
John Shelley 1,597 445 2,042 6,014 21.8 17 17
Tony Sait 1,956 631 2,587 5,937 21.5 17 17

Portfolios PrE ByE SxE BaE WtE HeE MsE OlE

John Shelley *
- 80/7D - 90/7D - 30/3 - -
Graham Lee
- - 100/9D 10/1 - 10/1 90/6D -
Tim Parkes
90/11D 10/1 - - - 40/3D - 10/1
Tony Sait
10/1 10/1 - - 90/7D 20/1 10/1 90/6D

Bank New
- - - - - - - -
Bank Pool
- - - - 10/1 - - -
418A 288B 260B 134B 152C 154D 122C 94D

100M 5M 178M 250M 219M 0M 120M 140M
Tokens Left
- - 1 - 1 - - -

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