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Two fresh 4 trains await purchase ...

Operating Round 5

Dir Lay [Rep] Base Run Pay Quote Credit Trains Notes

B&O JS 8:H6:3 240 Y 100D 162 4 3
C&O DH 9:G3:1 190 Y 100D 218 4 3 D D E
NYNH TS 1:F20:5 82B 600 +4 F
RDR MB 8:I13:2 110 Y 90E 175 3 C
PRR MB 25:H6:3 [8] 110 Y 90C 500 3
B&M TS 15:F22:6 [57] 70 Y 76E 182 3 A B

Operating Round 6

Dir Lay [Rep] Base Run Pay Quote Credit Trains Notes

B&O JS 7:I5:1 260 Y 110D 148 4 3 H
C&O DH 23:G3:1 [9] 190 Y 110D 266 4 3 G
RDR MB 2:G17:5 110 Y 100E 211 3 C
PRR MB 19:G5:2 [9] 110 Y 100C 500 3
NYNH TS 54:G19:5 110 Y 90B 520 4 I
B&M TS 53:E23:2 90 Y 82E 226 3 A B

Notes A $15 from the D&H Private F $300 to the Bank for a 4 Train

B $20 from the M&H Private G $10 from the CStL Private

C $25 from the C&A Private H $40 to John S for the SVR

D Delayed Obsolescence ↓ Train removed I $80 to Bank for a river

E $40 to David H for the CStL

Tiles 1/0 2/0 3/2 4/2 7/3 8/7 9/4 14/0 15/0 16/1 18/1 19/0
20/1 23/2 24/3 25/0 26/1 27/1 28/1 29/1 53/0 54/0 55/1 56/1
57/4 58/2 59/1 69/1

Trains 4/2($300) then 5/3($450) 6/3($630) D/6($900)

Cash Flow Start OR5 OR6 End Value % Certs Max 17

John Shelley 37 201 253 491 1,561 27.5 9 - 9
Mike Bennett 36 164 166 366 1,686 29.7 10 - 10
David Hooton 50 199 151 400 1,270 22.4 7 - 7
Tony Sait 68 35 111 214 1,164 20.5 9 - 9

Portfolios Privates PRR NYC CPR B&O C&O Erie NYNH B&M RDR

John Shelley * -
2 - - 6P 1 - - - 1
Mike Bennett -
6P - - 1 1 - - - 5P
David Hooton -
1 - - 1 6P - - - -
Tony Sait -
- - - - - - 6P 5P -

Bank New -
1 10P 10P 1 - 10P 4 4 3


90 90
90 76 76
Bank Pool -
- - - 1 2 - - 1 1

100C 110D 110D 90B 82E 100E


$500 $148 $266 $520 $226 $211
Tokens Left

1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 -

Privates Owned by ShareCos : B&O - SVR | C&O - CStL | B&M - D&H, M&H | RDR - C&A.

The OR7 operating order is - B&O, C&O, RDR, PRR, NYNH, B&M - unless changed by SR5.

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