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In OR14, the GCR Receiver will try to lay a type 10 tile on K8 and move to M7, with second choice being a promotion of L7. The LSWR Receiver will try to promote D9 to be a 14 tile and will otherwise promote C8.

Operating Round 13

Dir Lay [Rep] Token Run Pay Quote Credit Trains Notes

LNWR AM G6 - F6 ! 70 Y 225 110 (2) +3 A
GWR JS F6 - D5 220 Y 200 480 (4) 3 +5 B C
Mid MR 34:H6:6 H8 - H6 =S 250 Y 160 100 4 3 +5 D B I
LSWR BP 38:C10:4 [12] D10 - C10 =S 130 N 53 90 E F
GNR AM 38:I6:3 [10] M9 - H11 130 N 76 90 4 +5 B
LBSC JS 38:C7:5 [13] C10 - D10 120 N 58 50 3 +4 G
GER MR 38:F10:1 [12] I9 - F10 =S 90 N 67 90 4 3 3 E I
GCR BP 6:L7:6 L7 - K8 53 10 H

Notes A £300 to the GNR for a 3 Train F Run by the receiver - train rented

B £550 to the Bank for a 5 Train G £260 to the GWR for a 4 Train

C 5 Train purchase starts Phase 3 H Run by the receiver

D £100 to the Bank for a garrison I At Train Limit

E £40 to the Bank for a garrison

Tiles 1/1 2/2 3/0 4/6 5/4 6/3 7/2 8/6 9/8 10/2 12/2 13/2
14/0 15/1 16/1 17/1 18/1 19/2 20/0 21/1 22/1 23/1 24/3 25/2
26/2 27/2 28/0 29/0 30/1 31/1 32/1 33/1 34/0 35/1 36/1 37/1
38/2 39/1 40/1 41/2 42/2 43/1 44/1 45/1 46/1 47/2

Trains 5/1(£550) then 7/4(£720)

Cash Flow Start OR13 End Value % Certs Max 18

Andy Muir 70 108 178 3,034 30.4 18 - 18
John Shelley 564 167 731 2,643 26.5 14 - 14
Mark Hancock 466 109 575 1,696 17.0 7 - 7
Mike Ruffhead 284 197 481 2,605 26.1 18 - 18

Portfolios Privates LNWR GWR Mid LSWR GNR LBSC GER GCR

Andy Muir S&M
8D 1 1 - 7D - 2 -
John Shelley * C&HP
- 6D 1 1 - 5D 2 -
Mark Hancock C&W, Hull
- 2 1 - - 2 - -
Mike Ruffhead -
- 1 7D - 3 3 6D -

Bank New Preston
- - - - - - - -
Bank Pool L&M
2 - - 9R - - - 10R
Tokens Left

4 3 2 3 3 2 2 3

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